Why a Global Innovation Forum in Campania? Few sectors such as agriculture and agri-food are at the center of the challenges imposed by the "next normal" that we expect in post-Covid. Innovation trends are here and the pandemics made it almost impossible to underestimate their impactb on the entire food value-chain. Campania Region is the second biggest spender of EARDF in Italy and one of the biggest player at EU level. The international reputation and image of Campania is still now built upon food excellence (pizza, mozzarella cheese, and so on). This makes necessary to link the agricultural and fisheries system to broaden the perspectives that guide the investments in research and innovation funded by the EARDF to increase complementarity of funds (public and private, European and regional, linked to traditional finance or alternative forms of finance) and on the ability to look far and to focus on better dialogue between the current and future beneficiaries of EARDF funds to support innovation and the major game changers in the rural supply chains and territories. Deep transformations in the rural, agricultural and fisheries sectors ask for a deep dive in the new challenges of food security, food safety and food economic, environmental and social sustainability.
The Global Innovation Forum combines inputs from Future Food Institute, EIP Agri, ERIAFF, the cross-KIC Food 4Health and it is scientifically coordinated by the ERASMUS+ Knowledge Alliance ASKFOOD. It’s a bet on the future, but also – and maybe more – on our present.
The overall aim is to promote Communities of Practices and Innovation Communities that can interlink the AKISs supportaed by the EARDF with National and EU Knowledge, Technology and Innovation Cluster.
We will benefit from the dialogue with FAO, DG Research, EIT, DG Agri, DG Employment, FED, Federalimentare, Federpesca, Coldiretti, Confapi, Confagricoltura, EIP AGRI, PRIMA, the National Tech Cluster for Agrifood (CLAN) and the National Committee on Bioeconomy. By conveying EU, national and regional policy makers from 8 different EU regions and by activating a multi-actor and multi-programme discourse on the future of agriculture (15 Managing Authorities of ERDF, ESF and EARDF will join the Forum), the Global Food Innovation Forum will also help drafting synergies among programmes and integrated investment schemes that can redesing the policy for skills and innovation related to the future of food. Startups and innovators from all over Europe will present solutions for the post-Covid food competitiveness.

Organized by Campania Region


Opening Session and Focus 1

Focus 2 and Open Symposium

Masterclass #1

Masterclass #2

Campfire #1

Campfire #2

Campfire #3

Campfire #4


FOCUS 1: Design the Global Food Innovation: future food for future competitiveness in the post-Covid era

  • 10:00 - 10:30      Opening Session
    Vincenzo De Luca, President of Campania Region
    Nicola Caputo, Regional Councilor Fishery and Agriculture
    Valeria Fascione, Regional Councilor Research and Innovation
  • 10:30 - 12:00      Scenarios and TEMPESTS: the future we want and the present we are in
    Cristina Petracchi, FAO
    Sara Roversi, Future Food Institute
    Hayley Every, EIT Food & EIT Health
    Paolo Bonaretti, CLAN
    Stef Bronzwaer, EFSA
    Jonas Lazaro Mojca, FDE Food & Drink Europe

    Moderator:Germana Di Falco
  • 12:00 - 13:00      AKIS and Horizon Europe: how to manage the BB effect (bonding + bridging)


FOCUS 2: Implement the Global Food Innovation: startups, innovative enterprises and market disruption

  • 11:30 - 11:40      Global Food Innovation Award and Global Food Innovation Village
    Contributions from Food Forward/Deloitte, The Foodies and Le Village
  • 11:45 - 12:45    Showing the future: innovation calls entreprise/entreprise calls innovation
    Contributions from Coldiretti, Federpesca, COnfagricoltura, Federalimentare, Copagri and CIA
    Deloitte, Le Village and The Foodies

    Moderators: Deborah Piovan, Cibo per la Mente, and Rainer Swacinka, ASKFOOD/ISEKI FOOD NETWORK
    Campfire 1: vision and business plan
    Floriano Bonfigli, Hello Tomorrow
  • 12:45 - 13:30      Campfire 2: Transformative industries and the market
    Chiara Giovoni, Vinterest
    Campfire 3: rural hacks and challenges 4.0
    Alex Giordano, Rural Hub
  • 14:30 - 15:30      Financing innovation in agricultural and fisheries entreprises: innovative financial solutions in the scenarios opened by Next Generation EU
    Marco Nicolai, GI Finance and EX expert
    Arnold Verbeek, European Investment Bank, Innovation Finance Advisory

    Planned interventions from Sviluppo Campania, Monte dei Paschi di Sieta, and ISMEA
  • 17:00 - 17:30      Awarding of the first special mentions for the Global Food Innovation Award


FOCUS 3: Facilitate the Global Food Innovation: complementarity and synergies among programmes to support future skills and future competitiveness in the food- and food-related sectors

  • 15:00 - 17:00      ASKFOOD Open Symposium: public policies to support innovation capacity and skills ecosystems for the future of food
    Paola Pittia, ASKFOOD Coordinator

    Contributions from Magda De Carli, DG Ricerca
    Lucia Giannini, ECEA
    Ivano Magazzù, DG Region/INTERACT
    Angelo Salsi, DG Ambiente, Programma LIFE
    Pasquzle di Rubbo, DG Agri, TBC

    Moderator: Germana di Falco, Presidency of the Council of Ministers, CNPA


Virtual & On site (Naples)
Thursday, June 24, 2021
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