Warning: Use of undefined constant ‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’ - assumed '‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /websites/d7_askfood/tools/itgi/wp-config.php on line 91
Interactive Training Gap identifier | IN ACTION


The ASKFOOD Interactive Training Gap Identifier is a tool to self-assess skills, so as to measure the gap between the existing and the desired skills according to the same job profile.


A scientific approach has been used to implement this tool with a series of resources that are described in the “methodology” page.


Go to the Methodology

For any user/profile (see “Methodology”) the following path has been defined for the best use of the ITGI:


  • STEP 1

Track or trace the job profiles which are near to the position you are in, or you are intended to gain, in the career map of the professions in the food manufacturing sector.

Go to the Career maps


  • STEP 2

For each profile, you can get the information about the professional and personal skills required for that role/position. 


  • STEP 3

Mark your profile against the desired set of skills and future abilities and consider the gap to focus on your training needs.


To support self-assessment or skill analysis at individual and organizational level, a series of supporting tools are made available.


Go to the Supporting tools